List of Book


The college offers NCC training to the students. Students are advised to enroll themselves for NCC which has been functioning efficiently. Students with NCC Certificate get an extra credit while seeking opportunities for higher education or employment.

The National Service Scheme (NSS) of the College aims at involving the youth in the service of the community. Young men who offer their time, talent and energy to voluntary social work get a feeling of being useful to community. It will train them to fulfill their social responsibility as proud citizens. NSS education through service. The NSS unit of JSS College has a fine record of service for past several. The National Service Scheme (NSS) of the College aims at involving the youth in the service of the community. Young men who offer their time, talent and energy to voluntary social work get a feeling of being useful to community. It will train tem to fulfill their social responsibility as proud citizens. NSS is education through service. The NSS unit of JSS College has a fine record of service for the past several years.



Every Student of the College is a member of the College Union. The Principal and the members of the teaching staff are also members of the union. The objectives of the Union are to provide opportunities to the students to assume important responsibilities and authority in the conduct of extra curricular activities and to enable the students to enjoy the privilege of planning and managing their own affairs through their representatives. The principal of the college will be ex-officio president of the union and two members of the staff, to be nominated by the President will be the vice-presidents, General Secretary, Deputy General Secretaries and other Secretaries will be nominated by the Principal and management committee on the basis of merit as it is stated in the Union & Gymkhana constitution.